Friday, May 14, 2010

Better Late than Never

I’ve procrastinated writing this final blog entry beyond belief. The reason, I’m not entirely sure how to categorize “The Elephant Man.” I watched the movie, I’ve seen the play, and unlike more than a few students in class, I even knew that the story was loosely based on a real person’s life. So, what aspect of theory should I apply to the story? Maybe some sort of reference to anti-capitalist thought? The Elephant Man as a product. Used to make money for the man. Destroying his life while making rich those around him. Maybe “Borderlands?” The Elephant Man as neither upper or lower class. Neither human or animal. Stuck balancing his life as both educated and a circus freak. Maybe “Madwoman in the Attic?” The Elephant Man as a woman, literally closeted in the either a cage or the attic of the hospital. Left to rot. Maybe this is David Lynch’s attempt to blast society’s obsession with non-normal? Maybe I could do some sort of riff on the famous "I am not an animal!" quote? I really don’t know. It’s such a weird story, especially because it’s real. I honestly just don’t know what to make of it.

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